Before Historical Arts can begin to manufacture any product, it must first complete the design approval process.  This process is very much a collaborative effort between our staff and the client along with any supporting personnel that they might bring into the project (such as a lighting consultant or an architect).  In many cases, the client brings a detailed design into the project—Historical Arts refines the design and proceeds with shop drawings.  However, other clients have only a conceptual idea of the design that they need. In these cases, Historical Arts’ designers, illustrators and engineers develop the client’s concept, then produce shop drawings which are sent to the client for approval. 

Every aspect of each job must be carefully examined and detailed, so that when the job gets to the shop floor, there are as few hang-ups as possible.  The idea is to provide the client and the shop all the information necessary to minimize re-work, or adverse effects on the delivery schedule.  In order to accomplish this goal, Historical Arts continues to incorporate advanced computer aided design systems with three-dimensional modeling capability where appropriate and stays current with training in these new technologies.